Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tri-Factor Run 2013

Timing chip, race bib, and finisher medal

It had been awhile since my last running event. The previous one back dated to March 31st, which was the 2XU Half Marathon. And this event was supposed to be held at July 7, delayed because of haze. The haze came at quite a good timing though, considering that I spent 2 weeks out at sea for sea trial, 3 weeks before the run, leaving me with a week to train before July 7. So it is good for being postponed actually. However the Adidas KOTR 2013, I was meant to miss it because of sea trial, but the event was cancelled anyway due to thunderstorm. Well back to the run then.

Route recorded using Endomondo

The route is flat and scenic, but too narrow for runners. As the time passed, there were lots of non participants runners, cyclists, tourists, and kids along the route. Overall, it was an easy route, only that you have to pay attention to cyclists speeding from behind. Perhaps it is because of the flat route, I did quite well for the time (2h:05m:50s) to run the half-marathon distance, and even have my PB for running 10.31km in one hour. However, I gone flat when I start thinking that I still have one more hour to finish the remaining 10km. It felt so demoralizing to think that I actually have to run 10 more km, duhhh... Eventually I felt the cramp when I tried to dodge a cyclist coming from behind, and the cramp built on at the last 5km. Literally walk till the finish line after that with a timing of 03h:26m:48s. In conclusions, I have to train harder to prevent walking for 20km during my coming Standard Chartered Full Marathon.

When runners meet runners, they tend to cheer each other, congratulate each other, and motivate each other. During the run, I met an uncle who opened up the talks because I ran along side him most of the time. He said I have a good pace, and that makes me feels good. But eventually I gave up in the end and he finished the run 15 minutes earlier than me. Quite embarrassing >.<||| Well he is a really friendly uncle, named Fred. Wish to meet him somewhere at the street and have some chats. But I could not remember people face well. Anyway, Uncle Fred, I wish that I can meet you again during coming Standard Chartered Full Marathon.

P/S: Next race - Penang Bridge Half Marathon 2013 17/11/13

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